Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Aunt Irene visits

Our Great Aunt Irene had come to visit our whole family. She is Papa's older sister, they haven't seen each other in such a long time! Aunt Irene taught us so many things about what happened in world war ll and she also taught Maddie and I how to make apple stroodle which was really great! When she first came we had a family reunion, it was the first time the whole family had been together for a year and a half. Also a few other family members have come into the family since the last time we've been together! Papa's older brother also came with his family to the family reunion, which was even better! Aunt Irene was so much fun to be around, with her happy spirit and the things she got to tell us. She told what happened in world war ll and then she told papa most of the things he didn't know about because he was a baby and his parents didn't want to tell him because he might have been scared. But he knows what happened in his childhood now . It was great to meet her!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Baptism

The morning of the baptism we got up and immediently got ready for the Baptism,  Auntie Rosemary had gotten up and went to Trader Joes while Auntie Alberta, Auntie Christina, Maddie, Rose, liam, Molly and I went to Du' Pars for breakfast. After Breakfast Auntie Christina, Rose, Molly, Maddie, and I went back to Auntie Rosemary's house, while Auntie Alberta, Liam and Henry met up with Auntie Rosemary at Trader Joes. When Auntie Christina, Rose, Molly, Maddie, and I got back to Auntie Rosemary's apartment we where locked out so we had to wait about 20 minutes for Auntie Rosemary to get home with the keys to get inside. After that we cleaned a little and made the sandwitches, and then we were off to the baptism. The Baptism was great! Porter didn't cry at all and the priest was very nice.

After the Baptism we all headed to Auntie Rosemary's apartment for Porter's Baptism Party. It was alot of fun and the sandwitches were sooooo good!!!! I liked them alot. I was pretty sure Porter enjoyed his Party as well as every one else did!!!! After everybody left we cleaned the house and then we all had a little nap time. The next day we went back to Grandma's house and stayed there for a while and then Auntie Christina and Auntie Alberta went to Alberta's house with all there children and they stayed there for the rest of the week until thursday when they had to go to Grandma's house because it was the last day they were here. The next morning they had to wake up early that morning to catch their plane. The next week my family and I were with Maddie and Gus the whole time (pretty much)

More posts will come later, but I can't right now because I have to go to bed.
Thank you for reading my blog!!!!!!